Saturday, November 11, 2006


Every file should be turned in immediately as soon as a customer has signed. Even if there isn't a drawing ready, turn it in to be logged and assigned a job number.

Every file should include the following:

1. Finance Page

2. Contract

3. Cost breakdown on a worksheet reflecting the contract price

4. Drawing

5. Backpages

6. All notes related to measuring and any interaction with the customer

7. Original worksheet from when the customer first came into the store, with date circled

8. Turn-in all sales in the original blue sales folder

Remember to get as many phone numbers for the customer as possible. Go through the contract and tick-off each line, this is evidence that everything was discussed.

Turn in all files with the above elements. Not all files are turned in as described above. I don't want to have to charge a punitive fine for incomplete files, but will if there's not an effort to conform.

There's some detail work involved, just cross your T's and dot your I's. Thank you.


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