Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Crazy Pools - Crazy Requests

Every single customer comes through the door with crazy ideas. Almost none have owned a pool before. All of our customers start our misinformed.

What we sell to the majority of customers is a pool that will work for them, and that they can afford.

Whenever somebody comes in with things out of the ordinary, ask them why they want it. Just agree with them, okay, I'll find that out for you.

Get a measure, do up a drawing of a Balboa. Most of the time, they forget about the crazy stuff and never bring it up again, because the pool you drew-up for them fits their budget and their needs.

If you need a price on a grotto, tables, stools, etc., first provide a drawing you've already done-up, should be a Balboa, and pricing. Then Eric or I will work on pricing something out for you if the customer conintues to insist on something crazy after you've presented the Balboa to them, saying, "This is what I think would fit great in your backyard, and that's the price."


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